How to Start Running: Tips for Beginner Runners

Benefits of Compression Socks for Running -

Running has always had a loyal following, but do you know when this form of exercise saw its biggest boom in popularity?

April 2020, right after the global pandemic quarantine. And it has not slowed down as its popularity remains at an all-time high!

Desperate to stay active and avoid boredom, Google searches exploded with ways to exercise at home. Running is one of the best ways to stay healthy, avoid expenses, and get the recommended levels of vitamin D from sunlight.

If you’re new to the running scene and want to dive in with both feet, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there for new runners. We want to make it easier for you. Here are the best tips for beginning runners on how to start running.

Suit Up: Get What You Need

Let’s start with what you’re wearing.

Sure, you could run in old sweatpants and sneakers, but we wouldn’t recommend it. There’s a reason companies spend millions of dollars on product research; they want to make sure that what they are selling you can actually improve your performance, enhance your comfort, and protect you from an injury.

You don’t have to get the latest space age running gear, but we definitely recommend suiting up with the basics:

Check the Weather: No one wants to run in heavy sweats in July and no one enjoys jogging in shorts in February. Match weather-appropriate attire to your comfort level. Today’s apparel is made with advanced fabrics that take temperature into account and provide the right level of warmth or cooling when needed.

Protect Your Feet: When it comes to running, we go by what the old adage: Drink your water and take care of your feet. Outside of wearing a fresh pair for each run, you want to make sure you’re wearing the proper type of socks. We recommend compression socks because studies show that these socks increase blood flow, improve performance, and support post-run recovery.

You could also opt to pair your favorite run socks with compression calf sleeves to gain the same benefits.

A good solid pair of running shoes rounds out your foot protection. Remember that most running shoes need replacement sooner than you might think. Check with your local running store or shoe manufacturer for guidelines.

Knee Braces: If you have a prior knee injury or surgery, you might want to consider a knee brace. Also called a compression brace, it applies pressure to the connective tissue, helping to reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of aggravating the area. Braces are also available for ankles if that’s where you have pain.

Don’t Give Up

Most importantly, do not give up on running. You’re going to fall off the horse (we all do) but don’t give up.

Dust yourself off, learn from the mistake, then get up and continue running. If you’re having a moment where you don’t want to run, remind yourself why you started then give yourself permission to do just five minutes. Often, you’ll find that once you start, you finish the original workout.

Tip: Always keep a fresh pair of socks in your running shoes by the door. Just seeing them ready to go can be enough to motivate you to get going!

At Best Compression Socks Sale, we design our socks with runners of all kinds in mind. We design our socks to be comfortable while still supporting key muscles and joints to help you run longer and recover faster.

Edna Adeh is a big believer in compression socks for running. “I purchased my first pair for recovery and have never looked back. They have eliminated shin splints and reduced muscle fatigue.”

Edna has some advice for beginning runners. “Some days will be better than others – and that’s okay. Run your own pace and remember to always have fun. Smile!”